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Smart Squeeze

Smart Squeeze Volatility Indicator Finds Big Profits

Unlock Volatility Trends

Never worry about misreading trends again with the Smart Squeeze volatility indicator. Instead, follow the volatility to big profits.

Single Indicators
Asset Class
Trading Style
Day TradingSwing Trading
Analysis Method

Why you'll love Smart Squeeze Indicator...

Don’t misread trends and take losses anymore. The Smart Squeeze volatility indicator detects low volatility and helps you spot volatility upticks to max your profits.

Multiple inputs provides this volatility indicator with solid data that helps you master directional momentum trend spotting.

The Smart Squeeze Indicator for NinjaTrader helps you . . . 

  • Track trends over multiple periods so you can easily pinpoint the best possible trade entries
  • Determine if the different trends are lining up so you can safely avoid sideways moving markets that eat your profits
  • Score without the painful misses due to misreading trend direction
  • Works on any market or timeframe
  • Detect low volatility periods and find opportunities when the volatility picks up again
30 day love it or replace it guarantee

Never worry about misreading trends again with the Smart Squeeze volatility indicator. Instead, follow the volatility to big profits.

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