

[hk_dashboard_welcome_text prepend="Welcome to Ninjacators, "]

Welcome to the largest family of active NinjaTrader traders on the planet. 

With 45,605 active traders from 29 different countries.

Everyone on our team is geeked you found us.  

Because no matter which of our 451 indicators, or 30 different plug-and-trade programs you bought, we’re here to help you get up and trading fast.

With same-day email and phone support during weekday hours (see your personal customer service ninja contact details on the left).

Real, human help is always just an email or call away. 

Everything we do here is to help you prosper faster. With real-world indicators and strategies traders like you can trust to reach your biggest trading goals.

Not using NinjaTrader® Yet No Problem, we have you covered!
After you are up and running, dial in your NinjaTrader® 8 skills
Already a NinjaTrader® user but looking for some new ninja moves?
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