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Candle Color

Candle Color Indicator for NinjaTrader 8 Clarifies Your Charts for Options Scalping Trends

Candle Color Indicator Helps You See More Clearly and Act Quicker


Single Indicators
Asset Class
Trading Style
Day TradingInvestingScalpingSwing Trading
Analysis Method
Smart Tools

Why you'll love Candle Color Indicator...

TV resolution is getting so good that it won’t be long before you can see a flea on a dog’s back. Want that same ability with your charts? The Candle Color Indicator will help you get one step closer with customizable settings that help your charts pop in all the right places.

The Candle Color Indicator for NinjaTrader helps you . . . 

  • Customize your candles/bars on your chart with various settings: fill up bars, fill down bars, bar wick width, bar outline width, down bar fill, down bar outline, up bar fill, up bar outline, custom Doji bars
  • Increase focus with a visual that doesn’t distract you
  • Organize by color so your charts have more at-a-glance meaning to you
  • Build your chart to fit your trading strategy
  • See what’s happening better with increased contrast or colors that pop
30 day love it or replace it guarantee

See how the Candle Color Indicator can help you customize coloring on your charts so you can see clearly and act on opportunities right away.

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