Why you'll love this Mini Course...
Getting into a cold mountain lake is sometimes best done by first sticking in a toe then progressively moving in instead of jumping in the deep end and risking hypothermia.
So it goes with trading. It's probably best for the bottom line of your account to start small and work your way up as you acclimate to the market. This mini course teaches you how to trade Micro E-Minis in the NASDAQ (MNQ) and why it's the perfect move for new traders.
Before you can run as a trader, you must first walk. Learn to trade in a lower-risk environment with a smaller account and find out just how sweet trading can be in this mini course on Micro E-Minis in the NASDAQ.
The How to Trade MNQ Micros Mini Course helps you . . .

Get your feet wet today without blowing out your account in the How to Trade MNQ Micros mini course.