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Volume Composite

Trading Low and High Volume Nodes Just Got Easier

Find Trade Locations Using Volume Profile for Outstanding Short and Long Trades


Single Indicators
Asset Class
Trading Style
Day TradingInvestingScalpingSwing Trading
Analysis Method

Why you'll love Volume Composite...

Trading low and high volume nodes is easier than ever with the Volume Composite indicator. It helps you find trade locations outside high and low volume areas where the big opportunities await you.

The Volume Composite Indicator for NinjaTrader helps you . . . 

  • Identify trade locations using volume profile techniques for the most profitable opportunities
  • See Point of Control, Volume Area High and Low so it’s easy to find short and long trades for excellent profits
  • Find areas where the market rejected price in the past that could be really good rejection points in the future
  • Use default fixed period parameters or customizable fixed periods to target for your strategy
  • Measure any period or move in the market that you'd like to view very quickly and easily
  • Works on any chart, timeframe, or market
30 day love it or replace it guarantee

Identify outstanding trade locations using volume profile for trading low and high volume nodes where the best trades are hiding out and take advantage of them now with the Volume Composite indicator.

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