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Volatility Renko Bars

Best NinjaTrader Indicator for Renko Bars in Volatility

Make the Most of Volatility with Better Info, Responsive Signals, and Verification–All in One Indicator


Single Indicators
Asset Class
Trading Style
Day TradingInvestingScalpingSwing Trading
Analysis Method

Why you'll love Volatility Renko Bars...

Understand and use volatility better than ever with the best ninjatrader indicator for renko bars. This indicator offers you more info, visually responsive signals, and even verification of signals. It’s unlike any Renko bar chart you’ve ever seen.

The Volatility Renko Bars Indicator for NinjaTrader helps you . . . 

  • See high and low values easily so you don't miss essential information
  • Use a built-in time filter that eliminates phantom bars during the high volatility period like market news or market opening
  • Adapt brick size to the volatility so only one bar is displayed during periods of high volatility (go back to the standard brick size once volatility normalizes)
  • View opening gaps to understand the overall context of markets, plus the ability to trade gaps too
  • Backtest your strategies with this bar type and get accurate results
30 day love it or replace it guarantee

Use the best NinjaTrader indicator for Renko bars and get better info delivered right to your chart for signals that are easy to act on.

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