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Smart TS Index

Momentum Indicator Offers Early Warning On Losses

Determine Trend Direction In Overbought / Oversold Conditions

With the Smart TS Index Indicator, day and position traders and scalpers now have an early warning system when a trend is losing strength or stopping and reversing.

Single Indicators
Asset Class
Trading Style
Day TradingSwing Trading
Analysis Method

Why you'll love Smart TS Index Indicator...

Most momentum indicators are missing the critical ability to spot overbought/oversold market conditions that gauge trend strength. That’s like driving from LA to New York with only half a map. With the Smart TS Index Indicator, day and position traders and scalpers now have an early warning system when a trend is losing strength or stopping and reversing. Bazinga!

The Smart TS Index Indicator for NinjaTrader helps you . . . 

  • You’ll expertly determine both trend direction and strength so you know with more certainty where the trades are and where they aren’t
  • You’ll quickly spot overbought and oversold conditions so you can determine where and when to place your money trades
  • You’ll learn to recognize key turning points and short retracements that can improve your profit margins
  • Day and position traders and scalpers will have monster success with this momentum information
  • All futures markets, all stock/ETF markets and FOREX are ready to yield big money
30 day love it or replace it guarantee

Powerful Features To Find Profits In Overbought / Oversold Conditions . . . 

  • Key turning point and short retracement points show you long- and short-term opportunities so you find the best trades across your chart
  • Bottom panel on chart displays momentum and the overbought and oversold zones so you know exactly where the trend is changing
  • Warning signal indicator so you know exactly when the market has dropped into the overbought or oversold area and it’s time to trade
  • Perfect for any timeframe and any tick-based chart
  • Overbought and oversold indicators are completely customizable so you can set up your chart the way you like it
  • Full documentation and support
  • “Out-of-the-box” ready
  • 30-day “Love It or Replace It” guarantee

Grab this powerful signal indicator immediately and start making trend trades your money maker.

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