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Rate of Change (ROC)

Rate of Change Indicator for NinjaTrader 8 Is Simple But Powerful Options Swing Trading Market Momentum

Up Your Trading Game with Rate of Change Indicator


Single Indicators
Asset Class
Trading Style
Day TradingInvestingSwing Trading
Analysis Method
Price Action

Why you'll love Rate of Change Indicator...

A last minute change in the Titanic’s roster and failure to hand over the key to the locker in the crow’s nest meant that a sailor was without binoculars on the fateful night the ship sank. With binoculars, the story might have ended very differently. Likewise, the Rate of Change Indicator is a small tool that can make a big difference. It offers a simple but powerful understanding of market momentum that can take your trading game to the next level.

The Rate of Change Indicator for NinjaTrader helps you . . . 

  • See change as a percentage in a simple but powerful tool that helps you understand market momentum
  • Define change range from current price to a price x periods ago (you define)
  • Read signals easily with positive changes showing above zero and negative changes showing below zero
  • Spot divergences so you can get ahead of weakening price trends
  • Locate overbought/oversold conditions so you can find great deals and avoid pitfalls
  • Detect centerline crossovers easily to anticipate bullish and bearish tendencies
  • Use all the features of the moving average framework to refine your approach
  • Apply to multiple time frames and cast a wider net
  • Customize bar types for more refined data
30 day love it or replace it guarantee

See change in a percentage for a simple but powerful understanding of the momentum in the market that adjusts your trading for the better with the Rate of Change Indicator.

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