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Ichimoku Predictive Scalper

The Ichimoku Predictive Scalper transforms Ichimoku’s 5 key spans & calculations into freaky accurate scalping signals that can add an extra 10-20 additional high profit potential trades in any 1 (or multiple) market you want.

Single Indicators
Asset Class
Trading Style
Analysis Method

Why you'll love Ichimoku Predictive Scalper...


How much faster all those extra scalping profits could help you in replacing your current income, fund your kids' college, or building up your account to trade full time.

And here's the best part...

You won't have to figure out how to scalp with Ichimoku on your own. Because we're also including an immediately useful bonus gift:

Our Ichimoku Scalping Crash Course -- Never before have futures day traders been able to scalp with Ichimoku with confidence. Now, after watching this Ichimoku scalping crash course, you'll have the confidence to unlock the full predictive power of Ichimoku when scalping like an Ichimoku Ninja. For dozens more high profit potential trades every session.

Here's What You Will Get:

  • The Ichimoku Predictive Scalper Tool Suite. Allows you to double, even triple your daily profit potential with the best 10-20 Ichimoku scalp trades. With full customization of 5 different Ichimoku signals to fit your unique trading style.
  • Step-By-Step Quick Start Videos. Shows you how to install and start dialing in the Renko bars with the 5 Ichimoku signals to find your first 10-20 trades fast.
  • BONUS GIFT: The Ichimoku Scalping Crash Course
    Walks you A-Z through the settings, timeframes, setups, entry, position management, and exit rules Ichimoku Ninjas use to scalp any market. And even across multiple markets.
30 day love it or replace it guarantee

If you want to double, even triple your daily profit potential with the best 10-20 Ichimoku scalp trades in every session -- the Ichimoku Predictive Scalper can help make that happen.

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