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Historical Volatility

Know What to Expect from the Markets with the Historical Volatility Indicator

Claim the Power of Repeating Market Cycles

Claim the power of repeating market cycles with the Historical Volatility indicator.See how yesterday’s data brings insight to your trading strategy today.

Single Indicators
Asset Class
Trading Style
Day Trading
Analysis Method

Why you'll love Historical Volatility...

Determine the historical volatility environments of yesterday that can help you with your trading today. The Historical Volatility indicator calculates historical movements compared to time on a rolling period basis so you can understand what to expect from the markets.

The Historical Volatility Indicator for NinjaTrader helps you . . . 

  • Calculate the historical movements compared to time on a rolling period basis to better understand what to expect from the markets
  • Displays histogram at the bottom of the chart so you can see long-term environment of the market so you can adjust your trading strategies to what the market is doing
  • Determine the historical environments while using minute, day, or week-based calculations so you can drill down on the exact data that matters to you
  • Adjust your trading strategy on the basis of the historical market conditions to the current environment
  • Stress test your ideas in different environments to prepare yourself for possible future market scenarios
  • Works on any chart type, market, and timeframe
30 day love it or replace it guarantee

Find the big money volatility patterns of the past and apply that knowledge to the present. Gain a better understanding of what to expect from the markets with the Historical Volatility indicator.

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