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Fisher Transform

Fisher Transform Indicator for NinjaTrader 8 Consolidates Data for Stock Swing Trading Price Action

Understand What the Market Is Up To with Fisher Transform Indicator


Single Indicators
Asset Class
Trading Style
Day TradingInvestingSwing Trading
Analysis Method
Price Action

Why you'll love Fisher Transform Indicator...

There’s lies. There’s damn lies. Then there’s statistics. If you aren’t fooled by a few numbers taken out of context then, you’ll see the value of the Fisher Transform Indicator. It makes use of mathematical and historical data and reads several different signals so you can make better informed choices.

The Fisher Transform Indicator for NinjaTrader helps you . . . 

  • Convert data that typically isn’t distributed (like market prices) into a Gaussian normal distribution
  • Identify price reversals by highlighting extremes and downplaying peak swings
  • Receive relevant data using the most recent prices for the calculations
  • See trends easily and isolate price waves in those trends so you can make better choices faster
  • Work all the perks of the oscillator framework
  • Apply it to multiple time frames for a broader strategy
  • Use your favorite custom bar types
30 day love it or replace it guarantee

Use the Fisher Transform Indicator to consolidate data into easily readable normal distributions, extremes, and price waves so you can make profitable choices.

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