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Better Stochastics

Stochastics Indicator for NinjaTrader 8: A Trusted Options Swing Trading Momentum Tool

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Single Indicators
Asset Class
Trading Style
Day TradingInvestingSwing Trading
Analysis Method

Why you'll love Better Stochastics...

Your old pair of slippers have hung around as long as they have for a reason. They work. The Stochastics Indicator has been a favorite since the 1950s because it generates excellent, simple signals that get you moving quickly and boosts your profits.

The Stochastics Indicator gives you the freedom to . . .

  • Compare closing price of a security to a range of its prices over time for historical accuracy in current conditions
  • Reduce the sensitivity of the output by shortening the time period or taking a moving average
  • Generate overbought/oversold signals so you have good opportunities to consider at any point in time
  • Use as a tool for when price is trading in a range with more reliable signals from the indicator
  • Work all the features of the oscillator framework
  • Apply to multiple time frames for the wider view
  • Refine data with custom bar types
30 day love it or replace it guarantee

Ready to find great signals you can trust? The Stochastics Indicator is a long time favorite that helps your boost your profits.

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