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Automatic Trend Line

Trend Line Indicator for Powerful Trades

Automatic Trend Line Indicator | Ninjacators

Customize your chart to get a look back at the strength of trend signals that will help you make better trades in the present with the Automatic Trend Line indicator.

Single Indicators
Asset Class
Trading Style
Day TradingInvestingScalpingSwing Trading
Analysis Method

Why you'll love Automatic Trend Line Indicator...

View historical data and real-time support and resistance areas with ease and compare them with the current price levels for reference. You’ll gain better and more efficient profits with this trend line indicator.

Customize your chart to get a look back at the strength of trend signals that will help you make better trades in the present with the Automatic Trend Line indicator.

The Automatic Trend Line Indicator for NinjaTrader helps you . . . 

  • Plot historical and current trends right on your chart
  • Compare current trends to current price so you can determine strength and resistance for more profitable trading
  • Track trends at user-defined time periods for a more in-depth, analytical view of trends across time
  • Get visual and audio alerts the exact moment support or resistance lines are broken so you are ready to jump on the money opportunities
  • Works on any chart, timeframe, or market
30 day love it or replace it guarantee

Drill down on trend reversals and continuations in overbought/oversold conditions for quick and easy trades with the Reaction Signal Indicator.

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