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NASDAQ Quick Strike Program

How Multi-Time Frame Fractal Signals Automatically Turn Any NASDAQ Chart Into A Profit Magnet!

So you’re never again left guessing where, when and how to take daily profits… from trending, ranging or cycling NQ markets!

Quick Strike Programs
Asset Class
Trading Style
Day TradingScalpingSwing Trading
Analysis Method

The NASDAQ Quick Strike Program for NinjaTrader helps you...

Eliminate The 5 Biggest Problems Of Winning In Today’s NASDAQ

So you're never again left guessing where, when and how to take daily profits... from trending, ranging or cycling NASDAQ markets!

Here’s Everything You’ll Get To Put Multi-Time Frame Fractal Signals To Work For You Soon As Your Next Session:

  • The NASDAQ Fractal Framework Indicators™
    Our custom multi-time frame indicators scan multiple time frames for super accurate price projections, market direction, stops and targets. For remarkable trade locations and trailing stop management.
  • The NASDAQ Fractal Signal Indicators™
    Gives you 3 long and 3 short proven signals, calibrated for today’s faster, wilder NQ volatility. With step-by-step videos how to trade them in trending, ranging, and cycling market conditions. So you never doubt when to enter again.
  • The NASDAQ Scalper Indicators™
    The scalping signals + strategies we use to pick up an additional 20-30 trades a day. Including the very busy, and highly profitable, night sessions.
  • 6 NASDAQ Strategies & Setups
    These 3 long and 3 short NASDAQ strategies and setups produce thousands for us each and every month. Includes step-by-step videos, trade execution plans and even a surprise bonus: a crash course on NASDAQ market profiling. For finding even more opportunities with fractal signals!
  • BONUS 1: NQ Night Sessions Crash Course™
    Make no mistake. NQ night sessions have their own unique volatility. Good news? Once you finish this crash course, you'll have our go-to night session strategies and setups to be a profit magnet at night too!
  • BONUS 2: How To Trade MNQ Micro Contracts™
    Got a small account you want to grow fast? Recent losses got you needing to rebuild? In this powerful crash course you’ll learn to build an impressive war chest fast! Trading MNQ micro-contracts, the profit magnet way.
  • BONUS 3: NASDAQ Signal Scanner™
    Everyone knows we always charge extra for our powerful signal scanners. But today only: you'll get the NQ Signal Scanner -- for no extra charge. So you can scan for developing $200-$1000 NQ trades for each of our 3 long and 3 short strategies & setups. In any trending, ranging, or cycling market.

What If You Could Finally Make The Daily Profits You
Want In The NASDAQ / NQ Every Day?

  • Without Time Frame Hopping... Between 5-7 charts and bar types that give you conflicting intel and signals.
  • Without Market Direction Fake-Outs... That keep you taking all those high-risk, low- and no-reward trades.
  • Without Entering Too Late... Because you didn't have a reliable way to find the high profit potential trade locations you need first.
  • Without Doubting Your Stop Placements... Or using those costly and frustrating static stops.
  • Without Exiting Too Early... And second-guessing if you should have let your profits run.
  • And Without Piling Up $1,000s In Trial-And-Error Trading Losses... As you struggle to figure out today's NASDAQ on your own. 

YES! I Want To Turn My Charts Into A Profit Magnet With Multi-Time Frame Fractal Signals — With 100% Risk-Free Peace Of Mind!

Take 30 full days to prove this deserves a place on your charts. If for any reason, or for no reason at all, this trading edge doesn’t meet your expectations, just send an email to our customer service department.

We’ll replace it with something you do love. No questions asked. No hassles or forms to fill out. No problem.

30 day love it or replace it guarantee

Eliminate The 5 Biggest Problems Of Winning In Today’s NASDAQ

So you're never again left guessing where, when and how to take daily profits... from trending, ranging or cycling NASDAQ markets!

Go ahead and order today for instant access to everything on this page. Plus free upgrades for life and our lifetime unlimited V.I.P. email support.

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