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Body Momentum

Body Movement Indicator for NinjaTrader 8 Shows Profitable Options Day Trades with Momentum Data

See at-a-Glance Metrics that Help You Find Profitable Situations with Body Momentum Indicator


Single Indicators
Asset Class
Trading Style
Day TradingInvestingSwing Trading
Analysis Method

Why you'll love Body Momentum Indicator...

Funny how a little exposure to air can take a wine from good to great. It brings out notes you didn’t detect before and amplifies your experience. Same goes for your momentum charts. Perry Kaufman suggested that a closer look at body momentum and the closing prices would reveal a whole new experience. Our Body Momentum Indicator helps you bring to the surface the opportunities you’ve been waiting for.

The Body Momentum Indicator for NinjaTrader helps you . . . 

  • See history of price on close for a quick look at how an option (or other type of trade) is doing
  • Quickly determine when the best times are to buy and sell with an oscillator that calculates percentage of bars closed above and below the open price
  • Calculate momentum of closes above open prices verses closes below open prices for faster decision making
  • Benefit from indications that as prices move up, closing prices will be higher than opening prices
  • Locate favorable conditions quickly with candlesticks in white and green
  • Work the long position with an oscillator that won’t let you miss opportunities
  • Take the broad view with multiple time frames for several trade types
  • Use your custom bar types to filter the data and focus on what’s most important to you
30 day love it or replace it guarantee

Start using the Body Movement Indicator now to see, at a glance, opportunity for profitability in your chart.

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