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Elliott Wave Pro

New Automated Elliott Wave Tool Suite Helps You Predict & Enter Strong Bullish & Bearish Rallies

Counting and tracking money-making Elliott Waves has never been easier for day traders.

Pro Series
Asset Class
Trading Style
Day TradingInvestingSwing Trading
Analysis Method
Price ActionSignalsTrend/Counter-Trend

The Elliott Wave Pro for NinjaTrader helps you...

  • The Invalidation Line Tool Suite -- Uses Elliott Wave principles to show you where to place natural stops and targets.
  • The Price Zones Tool Suite -- Gives you visual confidence to ride every bullish and bearish rally for maximum profits.
  • Our NinjaTrader® Elliott Wave Tutorial -- Helps you put the crucial elements of automated Elliott Waves in NinjaTrader® on speed dial. For quicker, easier, more profitable automated analysis through the day.
  • The Quick-Start Videos And PDF Guides -- EACH tool suite comes with step-by-step videos and PDF guides to get you up and running fast. So you can start your automated wave counts your very next session.
  • BONUS: Elliott Wave Chart Templates -- Lets you customize every element to fit the unique way you use Elliott Waves. To save you time and effort, we’re including our very best chart templates, custom set up for Futures day and swing traders.

Stop Second-Guessing Which Elliott Wave Principles To
Apply And START Actually Making Money

  • If you’re trying to trade with all 8 waves, you’re already missing out. These tools plot the top 4 money-making waves ( 3, 5, A, and C) automatically so you can capitalize on each day’s strongest bearish and bullish rallies.
  • Even if -- you're new to automated Elliott Wave analysis
  • Even if -- you've never made money with Elliott Waves before
  • Even if -- you want to use automated Elliott Wave analysis in 1 market (like the S&P 500, Oil, or the NQ) 
  • Without doubting your trading edge and missing out on the easiest way today to make a $5K/month E-mini side income
A 70-tick gain on a 15-minute chart using Elliott Wave tools.

See How Easily You Can Count And Track Elliott Waves On Any Futures Chart—With 100% Risk-Free Peace Of Mind

End manual counting for good with the only automated intra-day Elliott Wave counting and tracking for day traders. 

Take 30 days to prove it deserves a place on your charts. If for any reason, or for no reason at all, this trading edge doesn’t meet your expectations, just send an email to our customer service department.

We’ll replace it with something you do love. No questions asked. No hassles or forms to fill out. No problem.

30 day love it or replace it guarantee

The Only Automated Elliott Wave Analysis For Futures Day Traders

Now you can automate Elliott Wave analysis, good and bad wave counts, and find modern ways to know how to place entries and exits to naturally find more winners more often.

Go Ahead And Order Now! Plus free upgrades for life and our lifetime unlimited V.I.P. email support.  

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